Title: Toy Story 3
Release Date: 18 June 2010
Genre: Animation
Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger, Joan Cusack, Michael Keaton
Director: Lee Unkrich
Writers: Michael Arndt
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs
Title: Toy Story 3
Release Date: 18 June 2010
Genre: Animation
Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger, Joan Cusack, Michael Keaton
Director: Lee Unkrich
Writers: Michael Arndt
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs
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